Published inFresh PerspectiveWordsA rose by any other name would smell as sweet”, said William Shakespeare some 430 years ago.Oct 19Oct 19
Published inFresh PerspectiveJames Frederick FerrierJames Frederick Ferrier (born 216 years ago / died 160 years ago) was a Scottish word-user, writer, lawyer, and university professor. His…Oct 19Oct 19
Published inFresh PerspectiveAntoine-Laurent de LavoisierAntoine-Laurent de Lavoisier (born 281 years ago / died 230 years ago) discovered oxygen (246 years ago) and hydrogen (241 years ago)…Oct 19Oct 19
Published inFresh PerspectiveMary WollstonecraftMary Wollstonecraft (born 265 years ago / died 227 years ago), was a women rights advocate at a time when women were denied the most basic…Oct 19Oct 19
Published inFresh PerspectiveJean-Jacques RousseauJean-Jacques Rousseau (born 312 years ago / died 246 years ago) resided in France when he published his “The Social Contract”.Oct 19Oct 19
Published inFresh PerspectiveGalileo Galilei(born 460 years ago / died 382 years ago) is according to Wikipedia the father of astronomy, physics, and modern science.Oct 19Oct 19
Published inFresh PerspectiveMartin LutherMartin Luther (born 541 years ago / died 478 years ago) was a catholic priest that re-formed the rituals of his catholic religion.Sep 15Sep 15
Published inFresh PerspectiveCiriaco de’ PizzecolliAccording to the internet, he is considered the father of archeology.Sep 15Sep 15
Published inFresh PerspectiveHasan Ibn Al-HaythamAccording to Wikipedia, Hasan Ibn Al-Haytham (born 1059 years ago / died 1000 years ago), “is sometimes described as the world’s first true…Sep 15Sep 15